Sunday, July 24, 2011

here we grow again.

Well I went a little out of the norm and sent our baby april an eviction notice. the kids enjoyed it and in all this hot weather and last month of pregnancy, they needed a little pick-up. I also found out that exactly 2 weeks late would bring her on my daughters b-day. that would be fun to have your first grand on your own b-day.September seems to be our familys month.we have many in sept. 3 on the 5th.  mom has been cooking a lot lately but enjoys it so much although we have a lot of clean-up and "go gets" and food to put away or deliver to kaye. I am so down in my spirit right now. when you realize you have to turn the reigns over to the next generation it is very hard. being responsible for so many things(of my own choosing).your mind and emotions knows what you need to do and how but your body no longer, is able to keep up. does that mean you should not take it on or you shouldn't worry about it. when you realize maybe you didn't teach your kids what you thought you did or in this world, does it really matter as long as they know GOD.  how different levels of financially able causes different levels of society and how they view things. In sorting my brothers things, I have a hard time deciding what would be the most important to him and since he chooses not to correspond with me right now and thinks I have hurt him, I just want to tell him, I know you don't see it the way others do, but I love you and maybe someday you will understand."I think he is the smartest, funniest, most caring, there for whomever and so lonely. I have your back. I've always had your back, even if you didn't like the way I did it.I love you.well I guess the name of this blog doesn't really portray the content. but food is not my god and I do tend to get too emotional. I have always cried a lot and it keeps me from going nuts. Most any "pilltype" help does me in. either knocks me out or makes me crazier than a bed bug. so I just as soon cry. back to the cooking. it is always good and it is very apparent that moms boys are of the top ten so to speak. half the food she cooks, she doesn't even like or eat herself. the boys are quite normal for their age. she and I are too old to live in their world and they are too young to live in ours. I thank God that they are not into meaness or horrible things which is so out there today. we can't tell them to do it like we did because the changes in our world  have made that impossible. but I am thankful for our blessing and when I think of so many less fortunate in the world, I am ashamed to fuss about anything. people often tell me to get a life. well caring for others is my life. I wish I had prepared some better for my future. but how do you turn off your heart. I have not mastered that task. so much I want to say and so unable to express it on paper, or physically able to get projects done or remember which one I was working on. I am in a scarey place in my life. another phase to go through I suppose. prays and love to all

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