Tuesday, June 21, 2011

just tired of it

I saw the new labels for cigarettes and I am just so tired of it. they advertise alcohol, which kills so many. they say it is ok to scrape a baby from its mothers womb, its ok to morphine our extremely sick out of this world. why does anyone think they have a right to go to this length to stop smokers. I do not drink, go out to bars, shop,go out to eat , go to movies.  I enjoy bowling and I do smoke. I do understand the tragedy of the side effects. what about the prescription drugs that cause people to DIE from side effects. man it's time somebody backed up and take a good look at our countrys values, rules and hypocracy.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

just some whinning

It's been a long few months. so much has happened. Uncle Berry passed, Ora passed. Kaye has had more medical dilemmas with her foot and her eyes. Aunt Bett has to have a surgery.  I surely miss the fun we used to have when we weren't so grown up and stressed over our own children having more and being better off than ourselves. all of us getting older and so much going on in the world that we now are able to know, which a few years back, didn't effect us so harshly. How wonderful all our technology is and how crazy it makes things for some. I have never been a mathmetician and I do not understand all this computer stuff. I learn a little here and there. I can not forget to add that even with all the mini-crisis going on in our large family and extended family, we are still very blessed.  you do have to live this life and it ain't all roses but GOD has been merciful on so many. Little gideon's mama, most recently. My daughters safe trips to and from Alabama. Lauries husband still with us.  Mother never gets up or goes to bed in all the years I can remember without saying a pray for her family. She does however have a hard time letting go of the worry.  She is six decades apart from her youngest.  Can you imagine trying to figure their world out at 82.  Aging is not pretty. I already dread it. If I ignore it, maybe it won't come so fast. I was just 30 yesterday,I'm sure. Where in the heck did these aches and pains come from.  Aspirin cures a lot of things.  AJ and Tiffani are still waiting for baby, thankfully. Her contractions have stopped for now. She is not able to work but is moving right along. I wonder if this little one will get mine and her dads hair. He is my only grandchild blessed with my thick curly mop. It is beautiful when he fixes it up a little. Since I got chained to B/P meds, mine seems to have lost a lot of its bounce. Not the frizzies though. well I will close for tonight. GOD be with all our servicemen and their familys. I guess these things must happen but it truly breaks my heart that so many are in so many places away from home.  prayers for all

Sunday, June 5, 2011

new roofs

well I am trying to get everything cloth out of the garage at 516 so we can get the insulation removed. I guess I'll just cover the cabinets with plastic. that stuff gets in things so easy. signed contract for the house on oak street to be started on the new roof. suppose to be there monday. anyway the roof is leaking in the garage and I am afraid it may be in the other part but they will be looking.  The boys are helping with the move.  I brought all moms baskets in the living room. I hope some will be given to the other girls while they are desplayed.  I do understand her having a hard time getting rid of her things but we have so much stacked up that we truly don't use or need. I am getting my storage cleaned out and a lot of it has gone to AJ. with his new marriage and a baby on the way, they needed a few things and it definitly wasn't doing anyone any good so at least it will get used. we also found a microwave at a yardsale that actually fits where moms come out. teresa called and had seen it so I went and looked at it and bought it. I have looked everywhere for the same size and could not find one and had finally picked one a couple inches bigger and then she found this one so we will try it for a while and it is white. newer modal than the one she had and I think easier to use. I like the one on the cabinet cause I can reach it better but mom and the boys don't have a problem with the "tall" one. gotta go get my tools from the oak street house and hook up the tolie there. I got the washers in but it needs new seats. that won't be easy to find. they are so old but I love that sink. If I ever had to tear the house down or rebuild I would want to keep that wall in the kitchen. it just looks so old and quaint. I always loved that part of the kitchen. well gotta get busy.

Friday, June 3, 2011

cookin in the kitchen

No we're really cooking. we got 15 pints, two quarts and two 1/2 pints of cornrelish canned today and it is uuummm good. /got the kitchen cleaned up too. It is fun to watch mom in the kitchen. It is like she just can't get done cooking. she had a little fruit left from yesterday and had to make jam of it. she peeled the big leafs from the caggage to make stuffed cabbage. I said "do we have to make that today" and she agreed it could wait until tomorrow. she was very intent about me learning how to make the relish this time.  I found out a long time ago that cleaning the kitchen up all nice and tidy was like giving mom a canvas, like the artist she is at cooking. although she does not either get it or want to, that people just don't eat like they use to and dumplins and gravy/bisquits and all the trimmings are good but not good for any of us. back when you had to chase that chicken down, kill her, pluck, and the rest, you spent a lot more calories just prepearing your food. Exercise was only a thing for the elite. now it is what everyone has to do to burn the calories we used to burn just doing daily living activities, like get up and turn the station or go in the other room and answer the phone or walk to the corner store, go gather the eggs or vegetables. As technology has grown, so have we. it has been a long day. I have noticed a very big part of my life has changed. No little ones running around under my feet.  soon we will have little miss april to help fill that void. hope susy enjoys her actual retirement. wish we could have had a little party for her. We all seven got together to do things for mom and dad but life is so different now and I don't know if retirement will even be in our vocabulary in another twenty years.   prayers and love to all

Thursday, June 2, 2011

corn relish

hey there, all my fans ha ha,  today we bought corn for the best corn relish ever made. My opinion anyway. we didn't get around to making though. we made potato salad and a few other dishes and mom decided to wait to start the relish until in the morning.Kim come by and brought some fresh eggs. yummy.   Tim came by and saw mom for a bit and had some tatorsalad and I fixed him a couple pieces of cod. she misses him and can't see why it is so long between visits. I try to explain but he's her babyboy and she has a hard time with his new life. It does not eliminate her, but he has had to scale back a bit since he does reside in cinn. and works everyday.  I have been following the trial of casey anthony and it is really heart breaking.  this is the young mom who is on trial for the murder of her 2 1/2 yr old. the girl looks quite pitiful but none-the-less seems very guilty. so they loose the baby and possibly the daughter as well.  roof guy didn't come again today. I didn't hear from the contractor on my house either. I did re-plant some seeds and weed eat. we went outside about 9PM. since it has been so humid and hot, it is too much in the daytime. we've had a busy day today and garrett, tony's boy had his graduation tonight.congrats to you baby, good job, no, great job. tony is helping me finish the house and it is almost move in ready.(liveable)thank you lord for him and his help. the wind ripping half the roof off was a blessing of sorts since now the insurance will fix it. yeah.  jason and jessie and noah came over for a while when we were outside. they are neighbors and little noah loves jacob. everybody in the neighborhood does. Jameson has an interview with UPS tues. prayers appreciated.    prayers for all. Kayes eye better today. her foot tomorrow. Lord hold her and Pete up.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

better days

well we finally had a day with less humidity and mother actually got to go out and sit in the yard for a bit. we have some tomatoes on the vine that teresa bought mom. some of our plants are growing but we haven't been able to put anything in the garden cause its been so wet. the hydranges in the front are starting to bloom and we've had some beautiful roses.  I have not been motivated to do much gardening but I am trying to get my head around it and put something in.  Last year we worked awful hard in our little garden and got hardly anything out of it. everything just fried in the heat.  Since we had to have the big oak tree cut down, there is no good shade during any part of the day(til after dark)and the sun was just too hot.  with all the things going on right now, I just can't seem to get to the seeds. I have tried three times to start the plumgrannys and have been unsuccessful.
My grandaughter-n-law, Tiffani, seems to be able to carry the baby a while longer. Her name is April and she is due in August.  She is a very busy baby so far.  Graduation is June and tiffani will be graduating and then able to take a break until baby comes. They got moved into their new apartment and seem to be very content.  My son-n-law still struggles with his health.  He is stable right now. the last attack wound up being his pancreas. another diet change. Time to tuck mom in so will close this for tonight. Life is 20% what happens to us and 80%  how we respond to it. good quote