Thursday, June 9, 2011

just some whinning

It's been a long few months. so much has happened. Uncle Berry passed, Ora passed. Kaye has had more medical dilemmas with her foot and her eyes. Aunt Bett has to have a surgery.  I surely miss the fun we used to have when we weren't so grown up and stressed over our own children having more and being better off than ourselves. all of us getting older and so much going on in the world that we now are able to know, which a few years back, didn't effect us so harshly. How wonderful all our technology is and how crazy it makes things for some. I have never been a mathmetician and I do not understand all this computer stuff. I learn a little here and there. I can not forget to add that even with all the mini-crisis going on in our large family and extended family, we are still very blessed.  you do have to live this life and it ain't all roses but GOD has been merciful on so many. Little gideon's mama, most recently. My daughters safe trips to and from Alabama. Lauries husband still with us.  Mother never gets up or goes to bed in all the years I can remember without saying a pray for her family. She does however have a hard time letting go of the worry.  She is six decades apart from her youngest.  Can you imagine trying to figure their world out at 82.  Aging is not pretty. I already dread it. If I ignore it, maybe it won't come so fast. I was just 30 yesterday,I'm sure. Where in the heck did these aches and pains come from.  Aspirin cures a lot of things.  AJ and Tiffani are still waiting for baby, thankfully. Her contractions have stopped for now. She is not able to work but is moving right along. I wonder if this little one will get mine and her dads hair. He is my only grandchild blessed with my thick curly mop. It is beautiful when he fixes it up a little. Since I got chained to B/P meds, mine seems to have lost a lot of its bounce. Not the frizzies though. well I will close for tonight. GOD be with all our servicemen and their familys. I guess these things must happen but it truly breaks my heart that so many are in so many places away from home.  prayers for all

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