Sunday, August 21, 2011

no dumplins today

we had a mixture of tomatoes,zuccini,garlic,onions over rice. mom cooks in her sleep all the time. she got up today and wanted to cook what she dreamed of. wilma had brought zuccini and teresa had brought some veggies and she fixed them all night. well it actually tasted good. not to die for but reasonably tasty over the rice. not much for a meat and potatoe person, but if you like veggies it was dewishous. I am very weary of what I call mini crisis. it seems there will never be a day with no worry. or aggrevation. I guess its all in how you deal with it and these days I don't seem to be able to deal with anything. I was so used to being able to physically stay ahead of everything and now seems I can't keep up with myself anymore. I am blessed to have my little new grt grandaughter born healthy. she was 9lb 7oz. 21 1/2 in long. She is a cutey. she looks like her momma a bit more than dad I think but they change so much in those first few months. I dreamed she was a red head. jim had a lot of red in his hair but hers right now seems brown with red tones. too soon to tell. they went home friday and AJ is really steppin up to the task. tiffani had stitches and the everpresent with childbirth(hemroids) Those first few days after a big baby like april are rough. AJ has the week off. we are still working on getting the house ready for laurie to move in. It is not very ready but we'll have to work on it a little at a time. I got my brothers things sorted and repacked and in the garage, up, hopefully where mice and bugs don't get in them. I will put my stuff back in storage for now. no time to sell, sort or prepare for yardsale. just want to be done with it. waterheater, furnace,backroom and floor jacks left to do and siding. I have had a hard time trying to sort jims stuff and keep the most precious or what was not ruined. but that part is done. I hope it will prove to be a good thing I did cause I have sure worked hard. jacob got home tonight. I am glad he is back safe.  Jamey has been gone more than here since jake left. so the garbage, dog and all weren't taken care of. if we asked him to do something while he was here to shower or eat he would do it and he did mow the lawn but he doesn't have a pinch of thought as to what he might do to help here. I think he just wants to be elsewhere. they are not "bad" kids just 19 and 22 and not very interested in anything that doesn't concern their day. not to unusual for the age. hard to keep the middle between them and mom. I tell them try to remember she is 4 generations from your world. well I am tired so I should get some rest. this will be a hard week and next week is job hunt. prayers to all and thank you lord for the blessings.

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